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Striving Myself Crazy


These three words have been replaying in my mind for the last few weeks since my insightful conversation with Linda Kalmikov, whom after I shared my many career anxieties, desires, and hurdles wisely noted that what I am doing is simply, "Striving yourself crazy". Let's repeat that (trust me- I wrote it down the minute she said it)...


Being a high achiever is great- but theres a point where you (me lol) are so set on whats next and all of the things you want to do... that you don't recognize what you have and are accomplishing.

At that rate- when would you ever be satisfied? When would be enough?

It really hit me when Linda said, "striving yourself crazy" because, well... that's exactly it!

Chasing the thought of whats next, where I can go, what I can do, etc., etc., etc., is actually hindering my ability to experience those things. I am leaving no space to 'let things happen as they should' (and will), by always thinking of the next next thing. In turn, I am driving myself crazy by not getting to where I want to go fast enough.

So here is my public reminder to myself, and for any other individual who needed to hear this: Slow down, and stop striving yourself crazy!



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