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Remember me?


Hi there!

Yes… I know, it’s been a minute. 

Before we get in to things, here is a quick recap of my past few weeks: 

  • started my first post graduate job

  • joined an amazing crossfit gym community 

  • continue to (and love to) teach fitness classes 

  • continue to study and learn more each week in spanish classes at a local spanish academy 

  • marathon training (very much in the depths of training at the moment) 

  • spending every waking free hour left with friends, family, my boyfriend, and calling my friends as now 90% of my friendships are long distance 

  • Oh and I sleep sometimes too 

Now that we’re caught up, I wanted to chat with you. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like a hypocrite. I am the first to preach consistency, following your passions, and building your personal brand. Yet, I have been struggling to practice those very important things myself. 

The more I dive into my job, the farther away I am feeling from spending time with what makes me light up. Farther from my passion and my spark. Truthfully, to a point where I was questioning what that was. I drew away from something I love- blogging- as I feel as though I had nothing of value to offer those who take time out of their day to read my posts. I feel as though I keep stepping further away from my purpose and stressing about how I can be of value to others… what do I offer to the world?

 But after a very humbling and anchoring chat with my best friend over the weekend, I found it… that fire. And to my surprise (and for those of you who know me- not really surprising), my passion and my purpose align… CONNECTION. Connecting with people, whether it be at work, at the fitness studio, in my personal life, in public, around the world- connection is everywhere. COnnection is also the thing that returns energy to me. The more energy I put in to connecting with others, the more energy I get back. This loop is the secret to longevity in anything that you do. Obviously some days you put more into things than you get out, but for the most part, we give more to things that we get a return of energy from. 

This energy can come in the form of fulfillment and passion- two topics I will be diving into further over the next few weeks. 

Being transparent about the feelings I am experiencing is not easy, however I share them because I hope that you find comfort or can resonate that people (even those who look like they maybe have it all together online), are feeling the same emotions around building a fulfilling life, career, and chasing a passion.

My goal over the next few posts and the content that will come from them will surround, in my opinion, the trifecta of creating a happy, balanced, and  successful life: Passion, fulfilment, and connection. The best part of this new chapter of my content is that as I may offer advice based off of experiences and education in some spaces, the others I will be learning right alongside you. 

I commit to continue to being my genuine authentic self in hopes that it touches even one person. 

Welcome to the new chapter of the blog, where I am STILL trying my best. 



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Born in 01' founded in 23'

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