Networking That Doesn't Feel Like Networking
A quick read to show you that networking isn’t always as formal as you think it is.
For my post-grad working adults, I get it… it’s hard to meet new people outside of your friend group and workplace. It doesn’t help that the networking scene is pretty formal and tied to paid entry or invite only events either.
My goal is to show other young professionals that networking is more casual and accessible than we may think.
Here are some unconventional networking opportunities you can get involved in that don’t really feel like networking:
Joining a gym community (i.e., crossfit, yoga studio, running club, group fitness classes)
Intramural/ rec league sports (check local postings in your city for different rec sports leagues i.e., baseball, flag football, volleyball)
Volunteering (i.e., YMCA, shelters, seniors homes and centres, Big Brothers Big Sisters, road and forrest clean up groups)
Hobby classes (i.e., pottery, learning a language, art classes)
Offering a service/side hustle (if you have a passion/skill that you can market for some side cash, this is a great way of showing you skills to others, leads to building trust and networking all while delivering a product)
If you have made amazing connections through other unconventional methods of networking, I’d love to hear more about them!
