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From My Journal to Yours


I have recently started carrying around notebooks & post-it notes with me for moments of inspiration where a thought or topic comes to mind that is just too good to lose.

This is one of those moments.

Now I’m copying this on to my digital blog-but the following is an excerpt from a chaotic scrap piece of paper journal brain dump sesh…

I can fully admit. I am grinding. Up at 4am for job #1, off to job #2, then either a run/crossfit/spanish class/side-side hustle in the evening before spending time with family or calling a friend. Yes , great, cool… However, what am I grinding for?? What am I working towards? Like obviously something amazing because why else would I be grinding so hard- but seriously! What am I doing this all for?

What is the big picture?

What is the ultimate end game?

What am I okay with not achieving for years but would still work my ass off every day because I know I am on the path to get there?

Now- these are questions I am taking a deeper look into because if I keep going at the rate I am with no big vision…que complacency, disappointment, and regret*. 

I have the energy, grit, and passion right now- why not use it while I've got a full tank to get where I want to be.

Now the question lies-where is that destination? 

A very vulnerable share- but I do this in hopes of connecting even with one person who may be feeling the same.

If that person is you- I hope these questions help guide you to an answer you’ve been looking for. 



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Born in 01' founded in 23'

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